Remembering dad who passed in an auto accident 40 years ago, when i was a young student at UT. He wasn't a perfect guy, but he always had a joke and a laugh. (We'll overlook the rest!). lol.
We need more fathers who look after the children they do have, and appreciate the ones who do.
I missed that adventure (fatherhood) unfortunately, but I salute those who had that blessing AND enjoy their offspring --AND try their utmost to make the world a better place for them.
That's why it drives me nuts to see dads (and moms) not recognize the danger climate change is to the future of their offspring, and their children. If you think the weather has been freaky in 2011, it is an example how climate change will make it for our heirs if we take no action to correct it.
The awareness level of the public and leadership is just like it was when I kept doing videos in the 90's and articles on terrorism before 9/11 (some still on YouTube under "Fjet2020"). No one paid attention then either.
Our heirs can't survive if the planet doesn't. Think about that on this Fathers' Day as well.