Movers arrive tomorrow. I remember why I move so seldom - it sucks! LOL.
I am so sorry for the Tucson people killed by the idiot at a Congressional meeting. We have let the nut jobs blow too long.
We are AMERICANS: we choose ballots over bullets. We don't need to follow the nut jobs in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan - they prefer the bullet. That is what makes us unique, or has.
We can disagree without shooting people. We've allowed extremists to make millions spreading false facts on radio and TV, calling the President "Imam" etc. Yes, I'm talking about the jerks Limbaugh and Beck.
Do you want to know what causes nut jobs to shoot people, including a Congressional rep?
People like this: Rush Gasbag and Glenn Beckenstein. Listen to the false hysteria promoted by these two con jobs. They lie to million of American people for profit - not for TRUTH.
They shout "Fire" in a crowded theater: radio and TV.
They falsely claim the President was not born in the U.S. or the biggest lie that an American President would actually try to sabotage the U.S. They put crosshairs on the political opponents, as Palin did. They shout "reload!"
We are AMERICANS: we choose ballots over bullets. We have to return to respecting people and civil dialogue, and TRUTH. It matters for our future.