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Friday, September 16, 2011

How the GOP Would Fix It


20% of Americans are now in Poverty

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

144,000 U.S. bridges are classified as “derelict”

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

U.S. borrows $2 Trillion to pay for Iraq/Afghanistan wars

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

U.S. Falls from No. 1 in 2000 to No. 9 in Education

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

3 Million U.S. Jobs Unfilled Because Americans Lack Skills

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

Top U.S. 1% Control 33% Wealth--Top10% Control 56%!

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

14 Million Unemployed - Corporations have $1.5 Trillion

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

Top Corporations Pay Executives More Than They Pay in Taxes

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

50 year old pipelines are Exploding Under Peoples’ Homes

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

U.S. Destroyed by Massive Floods and Fires

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

World Destroyed by Climate Change – Must Evacuate Planet

GOP Solution: Cut Taxes

Question: Did America Become Great by NOT building an Interstate Highway system, a Space program, an Internet, or by educating all regardless of income?

Did we become great by doing nothing and not investing in our future and future technologies?

Then HOW do we succeed in the 21st Century by just cutting taxes?


Daniel Holt said...

Are you Michael Fjetland? I saw a video from 1980 of a guy predicting aliens coming here in 2012 but not being able to see beyond that year. Are you that guy? Have your visions changed since then. Looking at it people don't see the first black president as a messiah nor are that many people driving electric vehicles. What do the aliens do when they make contact in your vision?

He could be a guy named JACQUES NIETZERMANN and I am looking into him. He would be around 70 years old now. Some web-site said it was you.

Michael Fjetland said...

It was NOT me predicting aliens. I did predict 9/11 but that's it. I leave aliens to their own timetable..

Michael Fjetland said...

I am Michael Fjetland but I did NOT predict anything about aliens. LOL.